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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here I start....BLOGGING...

So, here I am, writing my first blog and I have no idea what m I gonna write.

It has been a kind of a fascination for me to write a blog, have wondered many a times whether or not do I have it in me to write something which can be appreciated. This is when I was told that blog is something you write for yourself, its whether you are able to appreciate yourself that matters and nothing else. People have been in the habit of writing in a diary since ages, they never meant to do it for others to appreciate, in fact on the contrary, people have been very private with their diaries and frowned if someone else even as much as looked at it. And blogging is meant to serve the same purpose, whether or not you wanna share it with people is completely at your own discretion. The main purpose, as I mentioned, is how does one appear to him/herself. And as it develops into a habit, even the blogger ends up surprised with some of his blogs. They say, people get to know a lot more about themselves than they ever knew or cared to know. Now this was something that startled me. How better am I supposed to know myself? The only one who knows me better than anyone else is me. That is why, I realized, (lets go back a little) we write it for ourselves not for others.

But, a little thought, a little doubt still remained.

Then, I went through some of the blogs of some of my friends. "MAN", I thought, "these boys can WRITE!" Especially the latest one which my very dear friend Tippu has written (Appy fizz time :) from www.itallstartsinthemind.blogspot.com). Found it exceptional and extremely inspirational. Inspirational because, well, am thinking of doing the same thing what he did an year ago. Its not easy, but he was bold enough to take the step, worked hard, and is reaping benefits for it now. Cheers to you dude.

Anyways, the point is, it actually showed me, how well every little thing can be documented, and later on(i.e. a few years down the line), when you look back at these things, they'll give immense pleasure and a sense of nostalgia that otherwise you may never experience to that degree.
That's what made me think. I thought and I thought and I thought.

"Hell yeahh...!!! lets give it a shot."

And yes, one thing I was told, not to use the "chat language" when writing for yourself. So, was very careful throughout the post.

So, here I am, writing my first blog, and though I had no idea about it, its worth starting without an idea.


  1. you write sooo... much! and u say "I have no idea what m I gonna write" :). its nice da..

  2. Bingo mate.. You said it all on why someone has to write.. Trust me, it will help you in a long way to come.. And the thing that blogs become a nice way to reminiscence your past is an awesome point.. It is something that I have experienced, but, never was able to express properly.. By the way, thanks for the free advertising.. I am overwhelmed by your credits dude.. Take the step, plunge into it and the juice is always worth the squeeze.. :)

  3. hey sumoy.. i never realized the link between writing and introspection but after reading your blog now i feel it is perhaps the best benefit in disguise that follows it.. something really difficult to discover.. simply commendable :)
